Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Power Of Words

The Power Of Words

The Power Of Words

The Power Of Words

The Bible states that God created the world using words. I know some
people say there was a big bang that created the earth, but something or
someone had to set of the big bang.

Greater Things Than I Have Done

Yes, Jesus, the Son of God, said greater things than I have done, you
will do. Well, is it possible that we are creating our world every day,
with our self-talk, our complaining, our negative attitudes. Some
people say and books have been written stating, that we are what we
think. That might mean that we are setting ourselves up for a life of 
pain, when all we think about is pain.

Norman Cousins (Author of Anatomy of an Illness)

Norman Cousins, cured himself of a really bad disease, by using
laughter. Later, Norman shared this with someone that was very sick. She
didn’t buy into the humor concept, so Norman shared it with her mother,
who immediately summons the family to find funny video, pictures,
books, etc.. The Doctor treating the lady, later shared with Norman, the
transformation in the family member. They went from gloom and doom to
fun and games, as they were competing to find the one video, picture,
book… that made her laugh the loudest, longest and the one she would
later share wit Norman.

Norman stated that just 10 to 20 minute of laughter lead to a couple of hours of pain free rest.

Here is a video that shares in this idea that words have power.


They have done survey where people write down their self-talk. Most
come back saying, I didn’t know I was  so down on myself. What if we
really do create our world with our self-talk, our complaining, our
negativity…  Take a look at your world and decide if YOU wish to
continue on your present path.


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