Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Money Keeps Coming to Me

Money Keeps Coming to Me

Yes, Money Keeps Coming to Me

Just Access Your Free Gifts and Your FREE Gifts, follow the
instructions, share your new found treasures with others and YOU will be
singing,  Money Keeps Coming to Me, also.


Access Your FREE Gifts

Access Your FREE Gifts by Clicking Here, follow the instructions,  tell others and start sing all the way to the bank.

Start Your Business NOW

YOU can Truly Start Your Business, NOW, with no out of pocket cost to YOU, by accessing and sharing your FREE gifts.

The TEAMHOPE Purpose Statement

To Eliminate Poverty and all the injustices that go with it, all over the world.


The TEAMHOPE Plan Gives YOU $20 to join a program under TEAMHOPE,
that will give TEAMHOPE the funds to achieve our goals and YOU the money
to achieve Your Dreams.

Take Action

Take Action. Start Funding Your Dreams, Today! Click Here.
Enter your name and email. Go to the website. Read all. Watch the
videos. Join. Share. NOW YOU can truly help Yourself by helping others.


Saturday, December 20, 2014

TEAMHOPE’s Venture to Kill Poverty

TEAMHOPE’s Venture to Kill Poverty

TEAMHOPE’s Venture to Kill Poverty

The world has been divided for many reasons and the foremost one
is amongst the haves and the have not’s. The rich and the poor divide
has continued since the time mankind began to possess things. This
continues even today and on a larger scale as civilization has touched
almost all the places inhabited by man. People exist in pitiable
conditions with no access to good food and clean water. This needs to
change and people who possess money need to share a tiny bit to help
others live a decent life without having to depend on others every day.

There are many underprivileged children who would love to go to
school and learn. There are many broke teenagers who want to learn at
least one skill to be able to earn a living for themselves and their
families. Now this can be possible if everyone contributes a little not
more. Organizations are not looking for charity from the bigwigs as they
can give only limited amount, calculations show that people from lower
middle class and middleclass section can help gather a huge amount in no
time when people put their mind to it.

One such organization that aims to tap the resources from the ordinary
layman is TEAMHOPE which stands for caring and sharing. Their main
purpose is to eliminate poverty, hunger, homelessness and all injustice
that goes with it. Their ultimate target is to build and run an
organization that is beneficial and benefits all with no discrimination.
It aims to wipe out poverty, hunger, homelessness and injustice to

It has designed a structured plan to kick start its program to gather
funds at no cost to its members and begin to pool funds to start
helping the poor. Its program is a ‘no cost to you’ way to eliminate
poverty. The plan starts off with its members getting $20 and starting a
stream of $20 coming their way by joining others who want to collect
money for the fund without investing their own.

The TEAMHOPE plan is to give its members $20 as they join and then raise
funds by helping people get the Netspend card which can be used as a
normal debit/credit card and can be loaded through Paypal. Every member
that funds the Netspend card with at least $40, get $20 and then every
member joining through that person’s referral will be helping him make
another $20. So this way both the members and TEAMHOPE earn money to
fund the project. This holiday season many of you and your friends will
be spending their money online. You can do it with Netspend card and
help TEAMHOPE fund their goal to eliminate poverty. So this holiday
season spend some time visiting: http://2amtraffic.com/blog/teamhope/access-your-free-gifts-2/ Access Your Free Giftssite and get free gifts for joining TEAMHOPE and help others come out of poverty in the future.

This program is also beneficial for those who want to earn commissions
for their hard work. By referring people, the members will be earning
$20 for each member joined through their ID number and earn an excellent
commission for their efforts. This is a win-win situation as members
can earn and help TEAMHOPE garner funds for their projects as well.
People can start this stream of income by investing nothing and simply
accessing free gifts at http://accessyourfreegifts.comAccess Your Free Gifts and start joining friends. It is a simple program which also helps
people who are serious about starting their own business. The website
will also offer training and support for people who wish to dedicate a
significant part of their time in building referrals.

Apart from money, people are also dying of hunger, though plenty of food
is available, people are unable to buy food to sustain themselves. So
there needs to be a solution where any man can feed himself by growing
the essential foods for himself in a small space without much hassle.
The idea was to create a structure that will help people grow food
without needing square yards of land to cultivate it. The science behind
it is to be ergonomic and easy enough to be done by anybody in the
world. This brought into being the four foot garden concept where people
have shown the world that a complete garden can be grown simply using a
well designed structure, enough soil, sunlight and water. The upkeep is
minimal and the result is fresh nutritious food for everybody.

There is also the Four Foot Garden of TEAMHOPE which has been designed
for people to raise 50 different plants in a small vertical garden and
grow their own vegetables and save money. This way as many people go on
creating the four foot garden they become self reliant and hunger can be
eliminated. It can be a great source of healthy fresh food for the
family. The four foot garden can be placed on a balcony, a patio or the
roof and be taken care of easily without investing much time. The blog
can be found at http://thefourfootgarden.com
to learn more about gardening for safer freshly grown food for the
entire family through out the year. All one needs is four feet space to
grow the garden virtually anywhere. With minimum donation this plan will
take care of eliminating hunger on a large scale throughout the world.
The website contains many articles about herbs, plants and fruits that
can be grown in the four foot garden. It also tells its readers the
benefits of those foods and the nutritional value.

The purpose of TEAMHOPE is altruistic and for the benefit of the
society. They are pursuing one might say a utopian dream about creating a
world where no one goes hungry and is able to contribute to the society
one way or the other. The earth can definitely be a place where each
human being survives helping other human beings. Their program is just
the starting effort to get people to recognize their intention and
gather funds to do something substantial for the poor. So be there and
join the network to help them without investing a single penny.


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Four Foot Garden Blog

The Four Foot Garden Blog

Eliminate Poverty and All The Injustices That Go With All Over The World

One of the consequences of Poverty is hunger. I have added The Four
Foot Garden Blog to educate all on the accessibility of healthy eating
for all. This blog will show one and all how to grow healthy, nutrition
vegetables, herbs and more economically and in a very small space. In a
space of only four feet, YOU can now grow 50 plants. This is
accomplished by use of the Garden Tower.

What’s In The Blog

There, YOU will find already posted: The Power of Kindness, which
includes a video on Kindness and pictures of the Garden Tower, Garden
Tower Project Growing Circles, which includes a video on how the Garden
Tower Works. There is a blog on How To Grow Your Own Medical Remedies.

The Four Foot Garden Presents A Program With Promise

In this blog, YOU will learn more about the Garden Tower and I introduce YOU to the tower of love. This
should get your creative juices flowing and get YOU excited on the
unlimited possibilities that YOU can find at The Four Foot Garden Blog. Click Here to view the entire blog for yourself. Be sure and come back often, as I will adding more blogs soon.

Getting Your Own

Getting your own Garden and all the garden supplies is as easy as
click on the many order links available in The Four Foot Garden Blog, or
YOU can access The Garden Tower Project by Clicking Here.
Ordering through this link or the links on The Four Foot Garden Blog
will greatly help TEAMHOPE get Garden Towers or other versions of The
Four Foot Garden in low income areas, into schools, and make the produce
of The Four Foot Garden available to the homeless.

Crowd Funding

I have a project posted at We$hare Crowd Funding. To access, donate
and learn how this Crowd Funding Program Work and how YOU can post your
own project and how the Community will help YOU fund it. Click Here to view and donate to my project so TEAMHOPE can eliminate hunger.

Raising The Funds

I just ordered my first Garden Tower and a Grow Light. The cost to
put those items in my apartment,  was $376. I still need seven cubic
feet of good organic potting soil and the worms. Total cost of my
complete is going to be around $400.

If that amount is a bit much for your budget, Click Here to
learn about the TEAMHOPE Plan. The TEAMHOPE Plan Gives YOU $20 to join a
program under TEAMHOPE, that will give TEAMHOPE the funds to achieve
our goals and YOU the money to achieve Your Dreams.


Monday, November 10, 2014

Shared with Love

Shared with Love

Shared with Love

This is Truly Shared With Love

I know YOU work hard at taking care of the people YOU are privileged
to serve through your outreach ministry. Many people in your position
are really distraught when the funds and the supplies run out and there
are still people in need. This could easily be YOU.

Most of your clients would much rather be taking care of their own
needs, rather then accessing your services for, basically, a handout.

A lot of the people that work in outreach programs, would much rather
offer a hand up, instead of a hand out. And a great many of the people,
you serve, would much rather get a hand up instead of a hand out.

I would sincerely like to offer a possible solution. A No Out of
Pocket Cost to YOU, or anyone that follows the TEAMHOPE Plan. A Plan
your clients can share, make money with and eliminate poverty, hunger,
homelessness and all the injustices that go with it.

Learn More At: http://accessyourfreegifts.com

Because, I really care, I share this with YOU.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Power of Kindness — Someone Who Cares

The Power of Kindness — Someone Who Cares

The Power of Kindness

The Power of Kindness really is about caring. Checkout this short inspirational video to get the idea.

” target=”_blank”>


TEAMHOPE is all about caring and sharing. Giving value and enhancing
lives. Our main propose is to eliminate poverty, hunger, homelessness
and all the injustice that go with it.  The TEAMHOPE goal is to build an
organization that is beneficial and benefits all and eliminates
poverty, hunger, homelessness and all the injustices that go with it.


At TEAMHOPE we feature A No Cost To YOU Way To Eliminate Poverty. The plan starts off giving YOU Access to $20. Click Here
to learn more. Get your no cost to YOU $20. Follow the plan as laid out
and start a stream of twenty dollar bills coming into your life. Invest
in our main program, share and acquire the funds to live your dreams.


Sunday, October 19, 2014

What God Can Do

What God Can Do

What God Can Do

If God can make an ugly seed,
with a bit of earth and air
and dew and rain, sunshine and shade,
a flower so wondrous and fair.
What can he make of a soul like you,
with the Bible and faith and prayer,
and the Holy Spirit, if you do his will
and trust in His love and care.
God  does not ask about our ability but out availability.
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
—Philippians 4:13 NKJV


Monday, October 6, 2014

Wait to Worry

Wait to Worry

is great advise. Remember every situation properly perceived is an
opportunity. So quit worrying and start looking for the opportunity you
have been presented

I used to worry. A lot. The more I fretted, the more proficient I
became at it. Anxiety begets anxiety. I even worried that I worried too
much! Ulcers might develop. My health could fail. My finances could
deplete to pay the hospital bills.

A comedian once said, “I tried to drown my worries with gin, but my
worries are equipped with flotation devices.” While not a drinker, I
certainly could identify! My worries could swim, jump and pole vault!

To get some perspective, I visited a well known, Dallas businessman,
Fred Smith. Fred mentored such luminaries as motivational whiz Zig
Ziglar, business guru Ken Blanchard and leadership expert John Maxwell.
Fred listened as I poured out my concerns and then said, “Vicki, you need to learn to wait to worry.”

As the words sank in, I asked Fred if he ever spent time fretting. (I
was quite certain he wouldn’t admit it if he did. He was pretty full of
testosterone—even at age 90.) To my surprise, he confessed that in
years gone by he had been a top-notch worrier!

“I decided that I would wait to worry!” he explained. “I
decided that I’d wait until I actually had a reason to worry—something
that was happening, not just something that might happen—before I

“When I’m tempted to get alarmed,” he confided, “I tell myself,
‘Fred, you’ve got to wait to worry! Until you know differently, don’t
worry.’ And I don’t. Waiting to worry helps me develop the habit of not
worrying and that helps me not be tempted to worry.”

Fred possessed a quick mind and a gift for gab. As such, he became a
captivating public speaker. “I frequently ask audiences what they were
worried about this time last year. I get a lot of laughs,” he said,
“because most people can’t remember. Then I ask if they have a current
worry—you see nods from everybody. Then I remind them that the average
worrier is 92% inefficient—only 8% of what we worry about ever comes

Charles Spurgeon said it best. “Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, but only empties today of its strength.”

This great bit of advise came from the great folks at Simple Truths.
Please leave a comment and Access Your Free Gifts by clicking Here. Thank You for visiting.  Please come again soon.


Sunday, October 5, 2014

Make Today Great and The World A Better Place

Make Today Great and The World A Better Place

Make Today Great and The World A Better Place

What Will YOU do To Make Today Great

Here are some ideas from Tom Beal I would like To share.

Just Sharing A Smile

Just Sharing A Smile can help greatly. Try it out. Life is way to short to frown…

Be The Change YOU Want To See in The World

A message from CharlienChaplin

The Gandhi Rap

Please listen care to The Gandhi Rap

Share a Laugh and a Smile

It will brighten up your world and all those around You.

Finally, Just For Laughs

Funny Animals

Share and Like

YOU can access Your FREE Gifts and be on Your To making the world A Better Place, by clicking Here


Monday, September 29, 2014

10 Things You Didn’t Know About ‘Gilligan’s Island’

10 Things You Didn’t Kn

This is very interesting and I think it worth sharing. I hope YOU enjoy.
Yes, we know that’s not the original Ginger. See #8. (Photo credit: Associated Press)
As anyone who’s ever been on a
three-hour boat ride can tell you, it gets pretty insufferable by the
end. People are hungry, cranky and seasick, and all of them are trying
like heck to avoid using the on-board bathroom.

That makes it all the more impressive that we, as viewers, managed to stomach an entire three seasons
of “Gilligan’s Island” (and to a lesser extent, its three made-for-TV
movies). Ever since it premiered 50 years ago on September 26, 1964, we
just couldn’t get enough of those seven castaways, and that’s despite
our overwhelming frustration at their refusal to just build a darn boat already.

Then again, it’s probably better they
didn’t get off that island. Otherwise, we’d never have all the fun
little “Gilligan’s Island” trivia tidbits below, each of which proves to
be more interesting than a chartered boat tour, or that same boat’s
deplorable bathroom facilities.* * *
During the show’s development, CBS chief of programming Jim Aubrey
wasn’t convinced that viewers would want to see the same seven castaways
on the same deserted island week after week. When “Gilligan’s Island”
creator Sherwood Schwartz brushed off Aubrey’s suggestions to change the
show’s premise and name (to
“Gilligan’s Travels”), Aubrey created his own series called “The Baileys of Balboa”
(about a Southern California skipper and his offbeat crew) to compete
and run concurrently with Schwartz’s program. “Baileys” debuted just two
nights before “Gilligan’s Island,” but was canceled within the year.

#2. Actress Natalie Schafer, who played Mrs. Howell,
thought “Gilligan’s Island” was too dumb to get picked up by a network,
and only decided to star in the pilot episode because it offered her a
free trip to Hawaii and a quick paycheck. As one story goes, she actually began to cry when CBS greenlit the show.

#3. After
the pilot was ordered to series, television producer Hunt Stromberg Jr.
tried to convince a horrified Sherwood Schwartz that Gilligan should 
find a gigantic dinosaur halfway through the first episode and
keep it as a pet for the remainder of the show. Not wanting to offend
Stromberg (who envisioned this dinosaur as a “Mister Ed”-type
character), Schwartz simply questioned whether an animated dinosaur
would break their budget. Fortunately, he turned out to be right, and
the idea was scrapped.

#4. According to the television special “Surviving
Gilligan’s Island: The Incredibly True Story of the Longest Three Hour
Tour in History,” it was Bob Denver who was responsible for getting  target=”_blank”>”the Professor and Mary Ann” mentioned
in the opening credits and theme song. (Prior to the second season,
only Gilligan, the Skipper, Ginger, and Mr. and Mrs. Howell were
mentioned by name; the Professor and Mary Ann were simply referred to as
“the rest.”) As the story goes, Denver had a clause in his contract
stipulating how he could be credited, and threatened to remove his name
from the opening credits unless Russell Johnson and Dawn Wells got their
just due.

#5. Also, at about 22 seconds into the  target=”_blank”>opening credits of
first-season episodes of “Gilligan’s Island,” the U.S. Flag can be seen
flying at half-staff off in the distance. This is because the show’s
pilot episode finished filming on November 22, 1963 — 
the same day President Kennedy was assasinated

#6. Alan Hale Jr. was filming a Western in Utah
(most likely “Advance to the Rear” or “Bullet for a Badman”) when he was
contacted to read for the role of the Skipper, but the producers of the
film target=”_blank”>didn’t authorize him to leave.
So instead, on the morning of his audition, Hale rode one of the film’s
horses to the nearest main road, hitchhiked to a Las Vegas airport, and
hopped a flight to Los Angeles with the intention of returning to Utah
before anyone noticed.

#7. A
few months into the show’s run, the U.S. Coast Guard asked to meet with
Sherwood Schwartz about mail they received regarding “Gilligan’s
Island.” Apparently, more than a few viewers believed the show to be real, and asked the Coast Guard why they couldn’t simply rescue the castaways. 
who did [these viewers] think was laughing at what was happening to
these people?” Schwartz later joked in a 1997 interview with the Archive
of American Television. “Where did they think the music came from, and
the commercials?”

#8. Tina Louise, who studied under Lee Strasberg at
the Actors Studio prior to the show, was the only castmember to decline
numerous offers to reprise her role in the “Gilligan’s Island” TV
movies or animated series. “
simply has a fear that if she ever identifies herself with Ginger
again, she will lose all chance to play other types of roles, dramatic
or comic,” wrote Schwartz
in his 1988 book “Inside Gilligan’s Island: From Creation to
Syndication.” However, Louise wasn’t exactly ashamed of the show: When
it debuted, she proudly touted that the convicts in the Kansas State
penitentiary voted her “Miss Cellmate,” and almost 20 years later, she appeared with the rest of the cast in a 1982 reunion on “Good Morning America”:

When asked why Mary Ann often gets picked over Ginger in fans’ “Mary
Ann or Ginger” debates, actress Dawn Wells (Mary Ann) suggested it was
“Ginger is a one-night stand while Mary Ann is for a lifetime.”
She further remarked that “Ginger would be exciting, but you’d have to
take her to expensive places and buy her a martini [whereas] Mary Ann’s
for the long haul.”

#10. All of the castaways’ full names have been revealed except for Gilligan’s. Evidence suggests he was called “Willy Gilligan” when
Sherwood Shwartz was putting together the original treatment for the
pilot, yet this name was never uttered in any of the show’s dialogue. In
fact, viewers still debate whether Gilligan was his given name or last
name. Even Bob Denver himself used to insist that Gilligan was indeed 
his character’s first name whenever the subject was brought up.


ow About ‘Gilligan’s Island’

Friday, September 26, 2014

Your Source For Funny and Inspirational Videos

Your Source For Funny and Inspirational Videos

Your Source For Funny and Inspirational Videos

Your Source For Funny and Inspirational Videos

Click Here for
a laugh, have WOW moment, to be inspired, or just relieve the stress of
your day. Yes, make this site a daily stop for cute pictures and funny
and inspirational videos.

Here are a few of the recent post.


TWC News Austin: High School Blitz Interview with Apollos Here

Enjoy These Talented Singers.

May I share this short video on “The Power Of Kindness” with you. Please Like and


puppy & rabbit

This is just a small sample of what is in store for YOU. So Click Here to enjoy many more. Save the link as I am posting more videos and pictures….


The No Cost To YOU Way To Eliminate Poverty

The No Cost To YOU Way To Eliminate Poverty

The No Cost To YOU Way To Eliminate Poverty

The No Cost To YOU Way To Eliminate Poverty

Yes, we can eliminate poverty, acquire more free time, have more time
for friends and family, without taking any funds out of our pockets.
The total program is found in accessing your free gifts. To learn all
about it, access your free gifts, receive the funds to get started,
click Here.

Take Action. Get Serious About Ending Poverty

Take action. Access Your FREE Gifts. Register for your Netspend card.
Fund it. Fund my Project with $10. Post your own project. Tell others.
Now we are on our way to eliminating poverty, while funding your

So, If YOU ARE Serious, Join Us!

That’s it. Just Access Your FREE Gifts, (Click Here)
Apply for your Netspend. Fund it with, at least $40. Get $20. Donate
$10 to my project. Publish your project. Tell others. Just imagine
yourself sending a text message to your friends that reads, “Do YOU know
anyone that would like $20 or more… Let me know if YOU do…” Now, YOU
have two streams of income.

Please Get Focused. Get Serious…

To raise your standard of living. To help others raise their standard
of living. To make a lasting lasting difference in the world, YOU MUST
TAKE ACTION and join together with someone that has a plan to improve
the lives of the less fortunate. Those that have lost hope.

Yes, that is the question. Are YOU serious about ending poverty?
Well, YOU have to take action. Very few things happen without someone
taking action. Money has no power until YOU spend it. Automobiles are
useless setting in the garage. Even communities, groups, churches,
families, friends cease to exist without interacting with them. We must
join hands and commit to a plan of long range plan of action.

Census Poverty


Giving to causes is great, but it only solves the problem for the
moment and it is what we have been doing forever and the problem has
only grown. Poverty affect more and more people everyday. The gap in
incomes between the rich and the poor keeps growing and hurting
everyone. Be aware, “The greatest waist of our natural resources is the
number of people who never achieve their potential.”


In his book, “The Wealth Of The Poor,” Larry James, who works with
the poor and homeless in Dallas, Texas, states that if those in poverty
had the resources, they could rise up out of poverty and become
productive citizens.

Woman and Baby

Never Doubt

Yes, Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people
can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

The Plan

Starts with a small group of people coming together to enrich their
lives and the lives of others. The vehicle is network marketing. The
action is joining, sharing, supporting, teaching….


Wealth is given to those patient enough to train others… Give a man a
handout and he will eat for a day… Teach a man to fish and he will feed
himself… Teach a man to teach his children and others to fish and it
will end world hunger…


Join Me

Bottom line. we must join together. Even Jesus needed twelve people
to evangelize the world. With twelve committed, focused people, we could
end poverty, hunger, homelessness and all the injustices that go with
it all over the world. Will YOU step out, take action and Join Me.

The Cost

The cost to YOU is time, commitment, focus, sharing. caring… If you
follow my plan, YOU will actually never have any out of pocket cost. In
fact, initially you will acquire the funds to invest in the programs
suggested. YOU will acquire two streams of income, from the beginning,
and more are available as YOU go along. Join, commit, share, teach…



Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The
ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational
objects, it is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon

Access Your Free Gifts

Yes, joining the team to eliminate poverty, hunger, homelessness and
all the injustices that go with it starts with YOU accessing your free
gifts. To do this simply Click Here.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Are YOU Serious About Ending Poverty

Are YOU Serious About Ending Poverty

Are YOU Serious About Ending Poverty

Are YOU Serious About Ending Poverty

Yes, that is the question. Are YOU serious about ending poverty?
Well, YOU have to take action. Very few things happen without someone
taking action. Money has no power until YOU spend it. Automobiles are
useless setting in the garage. Even communities, groups, churches,
families, friends cease to exist without interacting with them. We must
join hands and commit to a plan of long range plan of action.

Census Poverty


Giving to causes is great, but it only solves the problem for the
moment and it is what we have been doing forever and the problem has
only grown. Poverty affect more and more people everyday. The gap in
incomes between the rich and the poor keeps growing and hurting
everyone. Be aware, “The greatest waist of our natural resources is the
number of people who never achieve their potential.”


In his book, “The Wealth Of The Poor,” Larry James, who works with
the poor and homeless in Dallas, Texas, states that if those in poverty
had the resources, they could rise up out of poverty and become
productive citizens.

Woman and Baby

Never Doubt

Yes, Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people
can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

The Plan

Starts with a small group of people coming together to enrich their
lives and the lives of others. The vehicle is network marketing. The
action is joining, sharing, supporting, teaching….


Wealth is given to those patient enough to train others… Give a man a
handout and he will eat for a day… Teach a man to fish and he will feed
himself… Teach a man to teach his children and others to fish and it
will end world hunger…


Join Me

Bottom line. we must join together. Even Jesus needed twelve people
to evangelize the world. With twelve committed, focused people, we could
end poverty, hunger, homelessness and all the injustices that go with
it all over the world. Will YOU step out, take action and Join Me.

The Cost

The cost to YOU is time, commitment, focus, sharing. caring… If you
follow my plan, YOU will actually never have any out of pocket cost. In
fact, initially you will acquire the funds to invest in the programs
suggested. YOU will acquire two streams of income, from the beginning,
and more are available as YOU go along. Join, commit, share, teach…


Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The
ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational
objects, it is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon

Access Your Free Gifts

Yes, joining the team to eliminate poverty, hunger, homelessness and
all the injustices that go with it starts with YOU accessing your free
gifts. To do this simply Click Here.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Power Of Words

The Power Of Words

The Power Of Words

The Power Of Words

The Bible states that God created the world using words. I know some
people say there was a big bang that created the earth, but something or
someone had to set of the big bang.

Greater Things Than I Have Done

Yes, Jesus, the Son of God, said greater things than I have done, you
will do. Well, is it possible that we are creating our world every day,
with our self-talk, our complaining, our negative attitudes. Some
people say and books have been written stating, that we are what we
think. That might mean that we are setting ourselves up for a life of 
pain, when all we think about is pain.

Norman Cousins (Author of Anatomy of an Illness)

Norman Cousins, cured himself of a really bad disease, by using
laughter. Later, Norman shared this with someone that was very sick. She
didn’t buy into the humor concept, so Norman shared it with her mother,
who immediately summons the family to find funny video, pictures,
books, etc.. The Doctor treating the lady, later shared with Norman, the
transformation in the family member. They went from gloom and doom to
fun and games, as they were competing to find the one video, picture,
book… that made her laugh the loudest, longest and the one she would
later share wit Norman.

Norman stated that just 10 to 20 minute of laughter lead to a couple of hours of pain free rest.

Here is a video that shares in this idea that words have power.



They have done survey where people write down their self-talk. Most
come back saying, I didn’t know I was  so down on myself. What if we
really do create our world with our self-talk, our complaining, our
negativity…  Take a look at your world and decide if YOU wish to
continue on your present path.


Thursday, September 11, 2014

FREE Video Reveals How YOU Can Start Making Money Online TODAY!

FREE Video Reveals How YOU Can Start Making Money Online TODAY!

Check out this FREE Video introducing YOU to a great business YOU can start today for FREE and start enjoying the good life.

I would love to show you how to earn RIDICULOUS “residual” income

following our EXACT instructions!

No sales

No phone calls

No selling

No convincing

Just a neat, new little system and a marketing strategy that works.

Click here for more details!


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Sunday, September 7, 2014

What it Take to Be Number One

Ideas From A Winner On What It Takes To Be Number One

In this Video Vince Lombardi will share with you some of the traits needed to be number one.
What It Takes to be Number One
Commitment, Discipline, Excellence, Mental Toughness, Habits, Faith, Passion, Results and Truth. These traits drove one of the greatest coaches in NFL history and capture the fundamentals of success in business or life. We hope you enjoy this short movie.
A great message from a consistent winner and builder of great men.

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